The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


CRYPTIC Prediction from Controversial Russian Philosopher is NOT Pro-West.

Glenn reviews a series of cryptic tweets from Russian philosopher and Putin influencer Alexander Dugin. In his message, Dugin predicts that the world will soon go through massive shifts, thanks to AI and other factors, that could usher in a new era. At first, his messages may sound good to Trump supporters. But Glenn gives a warning: Dugin is DANGEROUS and anything from him that sounds like he is praising Trump is NOT pro-West. He wants to usher in the end of the modern age and wash the world in blood, much like his acquaintances in Iran. Glenn also warns that Dugin’s words sound like he might want to usher in the Antichrist, or at least a ‘divine’ disruption.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Yesterday, I stumbled on something that came across X. And it was a thread of posts by a guy that we have talked about here, before. Aleksandr Dugin. This guy is a Russian thinker. Whose words sometimes feel like a storm gathering on the horizon.

And most people don't know who he is. But trust me, what he is saying is not just noise.

It -- it could shake the ground that is under all of our feet. And especially when we're negotiating with Russia. We have to keep our eyes on Aleksandr Dugin. And we have talked about him on this program before.

Because he is important. He's not just some random guy muttering in a basement. He is a big and powerful voice in Russia. And he whispers ideas to the leaders in Moscow. And ideas that not only could, but have and will reshape the world in ways that, you know, you wouldn't expect. And probably are not for.

His post on X, their cryptic lines about Dark Ages and technological black holes and the end of time. But they're not random thoughts.

And you really need to take the time, like I did last night. And try to piece together, what is he saying here? Because they're all pieces of a story he's telling, and it's a story as old as humanity itself. But twisted into something new and very dangerous.

So let me explain it this way. I want you to imagine a clock tower. Clock tower in an old village, its gears are grinding. Its hands are now sticking. And it's been this way, going for centuries. But it is just barely operating.

That clock is our modern world. Our science. Our democracy. Our smartphones. Our highways.

Built on reason and progress, but things are starting to come up. Right?

So Dugin looks at that clock, and sees that it is breaking. And its gears are rusting. And its hands are spinning out of control.

And when you and I would say, we have to fix that thing, he doesn't say that. He wants to smash it.

He wants to take us back to a time before the clock existed and time didn't matter. Before science and reason. You know, back to a mythical, almost magical age where the world was filled with mystery and kings and gods held sway. Everything felt sacred and ordered. Basically, the heart of what he's after is a return to a past that never really existed. You know, he's looking for king Arthur's castle. But he believes that it can be reborn. But only through Russia.

Now, I want to take you to his post, that he posted yesterday, where he talked about something called Kali Yuga. My gosh. This is like a long winter for the soul of the world, an age of chaos and greed and moral rot! He says, thinkers believe this dark age, that we're currently in may end in 2025. And it will open a door to a new beginning. Now, to you, that might sound like fairytale or horoscopes or whatever. But to Dugin, this is a map. It's a prophecy, that he is using to argue that our world, our jobs, our freedoms, our tech is all falling apart. And he believes, that 2025, this year could be the year, the curtain drops on all of it. Now, he's not just predicting this. He's rooting for it. He sees it as a chance to rebuild a world where Russia, his homeland, rises like a savior, bringing back that lost, magical order. Now, remember, his magical order is -- is -- is the fourth way it's -- you know, we had communism. We had capitalism. And then we had fascism. He says, none of those work. And fascism was close, but Hitler didn't go far enough. His words, not mine. And so he's got a -- a fourth political way! And it is -- it's not one that you would like. He also posted just on the same day, he mentioned the era of Aquarius. So I immediately heard, the age of Aquarius. A New Age idea about a coming time of change. And a storm of cosmic shifts.

That are supposed to happen, he believes by 2030.

I just want you to picture here a hurricane tearing through your town. Ripping up the roads, the houses. Everything that was built there.

Everything that was built, you know, with science and reason.

And then replacing that with a magic castle. With, you know, My Little Pony.

Something that he believes, is more sacred.

And more pure.

Going back, before we had the age of science and reason. So yesterday, he -- he talked about a black hole. He called it the singularity.

And he said, just like Elon Musk did, we're at the singularity. This singularity, we talked about it yesterday. Say moment where our AI. Our Elon Musk-style dreams of the future, collapse into something unknown and scary. He doesn't see this as progress, he sees this as a dark pit.

A point where our modern world meets its end.

So he is screaming for the singularity, to open up and swallow all of us.

Which will open up, you know, for his vision, to happen.

So he was talking about how Trump just gets it done.

Has a get it done attitude. You know, a practical results-first American spirit.

Okay. He's not saying that in a good way. Okay?

And it's really important to remember that, you know, Satan just doesn't lie. He takes truth, and then he twists it.

So you can -- there's always parts of it, well, no. But that's true. Right?

You have to have a bit of truth, to sell every lie. So you have to be careful.

Listen, he is not praising Trump because he loves America. He is using him as a weapon, against the global order that he wants to destroy. Including our democracy!

Our open markets. Our way of life.

The -- the liberal world order. Meaning, the Bill of Rights. This is why Dugin is dangerous. Because he's not just dreaming in a corner on all of this.

He's a strategist! He's feeding these ideas to Russian leaders, including Putin. They called him for years, Putin's brain. He's pushing for a world where America's influence is crushed. And where science and reason are replaced by myth and control! He wants Russia to lead a new empire. To counterweight everything else. Built on a strict, mystical order, where everyone knows their place. And the past rules the future.

So his posts on X, are not just crazy rants. You really need to know what he is talking about. They're signals. He is sending signals to people. Calling to action the people who share his dream of a post-modern pre-science world.

Now, let me talk to you about who else he influences.

Let's talk about Iran. Iran is Dugin -- is down in Iran, all the time. Dugin is Putin's voice and chief architect for the relationship between Iran and Russia.

Or, you know, what those who study the Bible might call Gog and Magog. Just want to throw that in.

Over in Iran, as we have discussed, their spiritual leaders. They believe in a figure, they call the 12th Imam or the Mahdi.

It's a kind of Messiah, who will bring justice and restore a divine order at the end of time. My studies and understanding of the 12th imam or the Mahdi. Christians would describe him, as, oh, I don't know. The Antichrist. In Iran, they always talk about speeding up his return. Not the people of Iran. But the leadership of Iran. That's why nuclear weapons are so frightening in their hands.

Because they do believe that the world has to be cleansed in the fire of the Islamic fury.

Their words, not mine. That is very similar to the view, Dugin has.

Dugin encourages this. Both he and the mullahs of Iran, actually believe that the world needs to be washed in blood for true faith, order, and religion to return.

Dugin and Iran. They are not buddies in the usual sense. But they're both obsessed with end times theories. Wanting to hurry history's collapse to bring in a new sacred world.

For Dugin, it's the end of Kali Yuga. Or that technological black hole.

For Iran, it's the Mahdi's arrival.

Both of them see our world, our science, our freedom, our global trade, our Bill of Rights, as rotten. Ready to be torn down, and rebuilt in a new way!

Now, whether he's trying to usher in the Antichrist, I don't know. It's a big question. And it's tricky. Because he doesn't use that exact term.

But his words always hinted at that. In Christian tradition, the absentee Christ is a figure who brings chaos, and pretends to be the savior.

Before the real savior comes. And dining's talk of Dark Ages. Black holes.

Technological singularities. Yesterday, at a new order. Sounds like he is flirting with that idea, especially has he teams up with Iran.

He sees our modern world as ruled by what he calls the prince of this world. Kind of an evil spirit of materialism and the freedom, that he wants to replace.

But be very, very careful. Because what I just said, well, this is kind of -- this is ruled by the prince of this world. And it's kind of evil to what we -- yes, it is. But remember, truth mixed with highs.

Whether he's constantly calling for the Antichrist. Or he's just tapping into that energy. His vision could. And he wants it to lead there. Accelerating chaos, to give birth to something that he believes is -- is divine, but has to be destructive, at first! So is this evil?

I don't know. Evil depends on perspective, doesn't it?

I mean, the imams in -- or the mullahs over in Iran, think we're evil!

He doesn't see himself as evil. He sees himself as a savior.

And Russia as a savior. Restoring the lost purity to the world.

But his goals of smashing science, democracy, and individual freedom, to impose a rigid mystical hierarchy. That would lead to suffering on a Biblical scale?

You know, anybody who has ever tried that, in the past!

We label them, later, as evil.

So, yeah!

I mean, he's not twirling his mustache and cackling while he ties Nell to the railroad tracks. But he does push a vision that destroys everything that we hold dear.

And if that vision takes hold, it will crush the freedoms that you and I cherish! This is why he's dangerous. His passion, he wants to ignite a fire that burns the world as we know it.

We're in a very, very precarious situation.

And it's become clear to me, over the last few weeks, that perhaps we were saved, this last election, because we have bigger fish to fry! That there are much deeper spiritual things that are happening.

And you saw them, exposed by Christopher Rufo, yesterday. What's happening in Washington.

That is spiritual rot! And there is two ways to go. We can go for the chaos route. Which, by the way, is Dugin's personal signal. Or logo if you want.

It's the ancient sign of chaos.

And let's just remember who the father of chaos is.

Dugin's clock tower isn't just breaking. He's announcing that it's about to crash. And he is handing out hammers, to anyone who will help him smash and then rebuild it, the way he wants.

You need to stay awake. Listen carefully.

Don't let the trick of false light or a shadows bind you to a storm that he and others are brewing.

We're not just talking about ideas.

We're talking about the future. And Dugin's dream could drag us back into a darkness, we have spent centuries trying to escape.

But God has given us all the power to see it. You just have to know what to look for.

And you have to stay close to him. You have to question it.

To be able to stand against it. And that's where the true light will start. Make sure you find the true light, because the darkness is out of the shadows, and there are other things that are happening in this world, besides what's happening in Washington.

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