VICTORY! Senators Vote in Favor of TALKING About Health Care

Contrary to the hysteria surrounding the health care debate, Senate Republicans didn’t make a real move on repealing the Affordable Care Act on Tuesday. The procedural vote, which was 50-50 until Vice President Mike Pence added his tie-breaker vote, only meant that the Senate would move forward to discuss a measure potentially repealing Obamacare.

“The GOP got together and they voted to discuss health care out in the open. That’s all that happened,” Glenn said Wednesday on radio.

Why would you do that?

“If you build up enough of an event, if you make a circus, everyone will remember the time the circus came to town. They won’t remember exactly what happened because nobody’s paying enough attention to it, everybody has to juggle 400 different things in their life,” Glenn said.

President Trump spoke after the vote, adding to the hoopla.

“This is the best the Republicans can do,” Glenn said of Tuesday’s vote, which was essentially an empty move to make Americans think the GOP was getting something done.

Using the analogy of a new car model, Glenn outlined what the GOP has been doing to the American people when it comes to health care. Republicans promised for seven years to build a new model that would revolutionize the industry, spending the time arguing back and forth. They blamed various people and said they couldn’t get anything done unless they had more power, but now that they have the White House, the Senate and the House, it’s still not enough.

“And they say, ‘We’re going to have a historic day. All in favor of talking about some kind of car that would be great and half the cost, say aye,’” Glenn said. “No car has been built, no car has even been proposed.”

This article was originally published on

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